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PSR Philadelphia at BioPhilly 5

On April 11th PSR representatives tabled at BioPhilly 5: “Living Air Conditioning & Carbon Sponges: Vertical Forests, Meadow Roofs and other Plant-based Systems to Beat the Heat”. PSR Philadelphia President Dr. Pouné Saberi, and new Office Manager Grant Maxfield (pictured) tabled during the pre-speaker portion to raise awareness of our organization and the need for professionals of all disciplines to work preventatively on social and environmental issues that threaten us all.

BioPhilly was “established in 2015… to promote the important link between human health and the meaningful daily experience of wild and bio-diverse nature in the city.”

The BioPhilly 5 conference featured a number of exciting speakers discussing the ways living plants can be integrated into building and city planning to improve energy efficiency and livability. For more information see their website at

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