Health Impacts of the
Unconventional Gas Development Industry
Tammy Murphy M.A., LL.M.
Medical Advocacy Director
Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Laura Dagley, BSN, RN
Medical Advocacy Coordinator
Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Current legal atmosphere
(Why now?)
Erin Cosgrove, Esq., MPP
Research and Legal Associate
Delaware Riverkeeper Network
Jordan B. Yeager, JD
Curtin & Heefner LLP
Assessing Patients
(How to get started...)
Erica Jackson
Community Outreach and Communications Specialist
FracTracker Alliance
Raina Rippel
SW Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project
Opening with WaterWays Art Demonstration
Bri Barton
Artist and Educator
Water Ways
Meg Lemieur
Water Ways
Role of healthcare providers
(Why you?)
Peggy Slota, DNP, RN, FAAN
Director, DNP Studies; Director, PM-DNP Program
Associate Professor Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies
Pouné Saberi, MD, MPH
Board President
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Air Quality
Rachel Filippini
Executive Director
Group Against Smog & Pollution
Patrice Tomcik
National Oil & Gas Program Coordinator
Moms Clean Air Force
Safety (explosions, evacuation risk)
Simona L. Perry, PhD
Research Director
c.a.s.e. Consulting Services & Pipeline Safety Coalition
Occupational Medicine Physician
Morgantown Occupational Medicine, PLLC
Community impacts and
mobilizing community
Rebecca Britton
Uwchlan Safety Coalition
Advocacy Training:
How to Organize Internally
Katie Huffling, RN, MS, CNM
Executive Director
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Advocacy Training:
How to Reach Policy Makers
Karen Feridun
Berks Gas Truth
Advocacy Training:
How to Reach the Public
Tim Spiese
Board President
Lancaster Against Pipelines
Closing Reception (no livestream)
Tom Neilson, Musician
Philadelphia only (no recording)

We are getting ready to launch the first event in our three-part speed-learning and advocacy training in the health impacts of the unconventional gas development industry on October 13th. We have joined the Global Gas Down Frack Down, with individuals and groups across the world are organizing actions to connect their local fights against gas and fracking internationally on and around October 13th. Our communities and our climate cannot handle another generation of fossil fuels Use this kit to post about your own actions, share others’, and create a social media storm about our movement against gas and fracking! This is part of the Reclaim Power two weeks of action. We hope you can join us. Please help us spread the word with the following communication tools:
Action Press Release: link for international press release [English]
Hashtags: #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown #ReclaimPower
Flyer: Download PDF Here
Facebook event: Here <https://www.facebook.com/events/254374548610913/>
Page to follow and amplify: @PhilaPSR @Gastivists, @FoodWaterEurope
Website: https://www.psrphila.org/copy-of-pa-health-check-up-series
Registration Link: Here <https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E331391&id=24>
More images to add to the posts can be found in this folder, examples below.
You can also download images in French and Spanish.
You can also use the logo or upload the banner to your facebook or twitter profile (examples below...)

TWITTER (You can add pictures to your posts from the selection above)
Account to follow and amplify: @psrphila @Gastivists, @FoodWaterEurope
Hashtags: #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown #ReclaimPower
Register now!! PSR Phila is hosting the #PAHealthCheckUp, on October 13th, to provide healthcare professionals with information and tools necessary to protect health from fracking. #GasdownFrackdown More info at www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
PSR Phila is hosting the #PAHealthCheckUp, a statewide, live-streamed, speed-learning and advocacy event on the health impacts of the unconventional gas development industry. It will be held October 13, from 9AM-4PM. Register here! www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
Stay informed in a state notorious for fracking! PSR Phila is hosting the #PAHealthCheckUp, on October 13, to present valuable information to healthcare professionals working to address the health impacts of unconventional gas development. Register here: www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
At the #PAHealthCheckUp on October 13, PSR Phila will present valuable information about the health impacts of fracking, and provide healthcare professionals with the tools necessary to address them. Visit www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series for more information!
Communities from across 6 continents are taking action against gas and fracking - our solidarity is international. #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown #ReclaimPower www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
Communities from Mexico to Greece are fighting against fossil gas infrastructure that grabs their land, poisons their water and their air. We stand in solidarity with these struggles. We say no to gas. #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown #ReclaimPower www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
Gas is sold as a cleaner, greener ‘transition fuel’ - but we know it’s a false solution! We want community-owned just renewable energy now ! ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
Fracking is an attack on local democracy. From Italy to South Africa, governments overrule local decisions in the favour of big oil and gas corporations. Communities fight back #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
If you don’t live near a pipeline or drilling site - you probably live near a bank that funds it or politician that support it! We stand together against gas and fracking #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown #ReclaimPower www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
Fighting against gas is fighting against neocolonialism. It is a fight against corruption and climate chaos.#PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown, rise up! www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
FACEBOOK (You can add pictures to your posts from the selection below)
In a state notorious for fracking and unconventional gas extraction, PSR Philadelphia is using education to protect the health of PA citizens. On October 13, the day of Global Gasdown-Frackdown, PSR will host the first of a three-part, statewide, live-streamed, spreed-learning and advocacy series. The main objective will be to provide healthcare professionals with necessary information and tools to address the health impacts of the unconventional gas development industry. See the flyer below to learn more about and register for this event.
On October 13, Physicians for Social Responsibility will be hosting the #PAHealthCheckUp, a statewide, live-streamed, speed-learning and advocacy event! Valuable information will be presented to healthcare providers about the health impacts of fracking. Free breakfast and lunch will also be provided! Visit this link to learn more about and register for this necessary event: www.psrphila.org/pa-health-check-up-series
We are taking part in the Global #GasdownFrackdown 2018. Communities around the world are taking action against gas and fracking, demanding real solutions. The struggles against gas and fracking are local, but the fight is global. Our solidarity is international #PAHealthCheckUp #ReclaimPower
We are targeting the entire gas system: the industry and governments, the petrochemical giants and the banks who’re supporting the fossil gas boom and fracking infrastructure. If you don’t live near a pipeline or drilling site - you probably live near a bank that funds it or politician that support it! We stand together against gas and fracking #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown #ReclaimPower
From Nigeria to Australia, France to Mexico, a global movement against gas is rising. We are diverse, we are united, and we are taking action together with the #GasdownFrackdown #PAHealthCheckUp
Gas is sold as a cleaner, greener alternative to oil and coal - but we know it’s a false solution! Our communities and our climate cannot handle another generation of fossil fuels. We join communities from across the world taking action for real solutions #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown
Fracking is an attack on local democracy. From Italy to South Africa to the USA, governments overrule local decisions in the favor of big oil and gas corporations. Communities fight back #PAHealthCheckUp #GasdownFrackdown
Share this video on the gas threat <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_hktBD-k0c>