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For each letter of OCAREER, there is a module associated with that topic, culminating with the resource module that contains references, resources, and referrals. Before we begin the mnemonic modules, there is an introductory module to provide the science of climate change, for a total of eight modules. In addition to the slide deck, there will be one publication to read for each module and a related You-Tube video. At the end of four of the modules, a knowledge check will assess your strengths in these modules. These checks will cover both the slide deck and the publication. For those completing the certificate the final assignment will be to develop an infographic and to test it with at least three people of the intended audience.  You have three months to complete the modules, the knowledge checks, and the assignment.

Section 1


The Science of Climate Change

Julie Becker, MA, PhD, MPH and Tess Wiskel, MD 
Module 1


Devneet Kainth, MPH and Pouné Saberi, MD, MPH

Knowledge Check

1) Please view the slides and read the suggested resource.
2) Upon completion of both, take the knowledge check.
3) A score of 80% will be considered passing.
4) You can take the knowledge check several times to demonstrate mastery of the information.

Section Two

Module 2


Edward Ketyer, MD, FAAP and Walter Tsou, MD, MPH 
Module 3


Julie Becker, MA, PhD, MPH and Tonyehn Verkitus

Knowledge Check

1) Please view the slides and read the suggested resource.
2) Upon completion of both, take the knowledge check.
3) A score of 80% will be considered passing.
4) You can take the knowledge check several times to demonstrate mastery of the information.

Section Three

Module 4


Katherine Crowe, PhD
Module 5

Environmental Concerns

Dan Wolk, MD and Julie Becker, MA, PhD, MPH

Knowledge Check

1) Please view the slides and read the suggested resource.
2) Upon completion of both, take the knowledge check.
3) A score of 80% will be considered passing.
4) You can take the knowledge check several times to demonstrate mastery of the information.

Section Four

Module 6


Julie Becker, MA, PhD, MPH

Knowledge Test

1) Please view the slides and read the suggested resource.
2) Upon completion of both, take the knowledge check.
3) A score of 80% will be considered passing.
4) You can take the knowledge check several times to demonstrate mastery of the information.
Module 7

Resources and Referrals

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Steps for Infographic to Receive Certificate

    1) Please pick an audience – colleagues, students, parents, youth, etc.

    2) Please select a topic for the infographic. You will need to cite at least 5 references that come from reports (government, NGOs,                     non- profits) or peer reviewed journal articles. Please pick topics related to climate and health.

        There are three options:

OCAREER infographic pic.png

    For the software, you can use these free options Piktochart or Canva:

            a) or


     3) Please test your infographic with at least three people from your intended audience. Come up with three to five questions.

          These might include but are not limited to:

              What was this infographic about?

              What was the key message you received from the infographic?

              What was the infographic’s strength?

              What could be improved?

              Any additional comments?

    4) Please write up the answers to your questions in a short (1-page) report. Using tables would be helpful. Please include what you                     learned from this exercise.

     5) Please submit both the infographic and the report to for review and certificate.

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