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Nobel Peace Prize

Tammy Murphy at the UN with PSR Security Committee members

When I heard that ICAN won the Nobel Peace Prize, my heart leapt for joy! In a world that seems to have gone mad, it is deeply meaningful to me and makes me proud to know people who are dedicated to making our world safe and livable, now and long into the future.

I am proud to say that I volunteered with PSR, IPPNW and ICAN to gather the support of delegates in favor of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Working with ICAN was a great experience. They are an energetic, hard-working diverse and inclusive group of people who deserve an immense amount of credit for speaking truth to power and leading the way to the future.

Ira Helfand of PSR and IPPNW deserves a standing ovation for his decades of commitment and perseverance. Martin Fleck at PSR in the national office who leads PSR Security Committee deserves a deep round of applause for his tireless days and nights rounding up volunteers and leading the way to the important behind the scenes advocacy work that supports such powerful work!

If you feel strongly in support of this amazing work of the many voices that do good and deeply meaningful work every single day, please put your support into action. PSR Philadelphia is comprised of dedicated, passionate, and hard-working people who do the good work of making our world a better place every single day in every small and large way that we can. PSR Philadelphia is growing stronger each day and we ask you to support us as we speak out against violence – from the street level to the global level – and whether the violence acts directly against humans or against the very biosphere in which we live.

Thank you always for your support!

Tammy Murphy, LL.M.

Watching the votes!
PSR Security Committee members with Ms. Peggy Kerry, NGO Liaison, Mission to the United Nations at United States Department of State

ICAN members in action at the UN

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