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Alarming Mental Health Statistics


One particularly poignant statement in a recent article was, "Last week the CDC reported that life expectancy declined in the U.S. in 2021 and noted suicide as one of the drivers of the decline." Despite the rise in people seeking treatment, it is evident that new avenues are needed to address the mental health crisis and provide more appropriate care. Racecongruent therapists are required for the safety of our patients of color, as made evident within the article that mental health treatment increased among almost all group except Black people. Institutions should be urged to hire therapists of color, as should our public education systems. Representation and mentorship will encourage young people to not only pursue careers in the mental health field.

Kayla Cooper, Andrea Ibarra Toro, Haley McMullen, Eden Parks, and Brielle Scuteri.

Students, Drexel University College of Medicine

Originally Published in the Inquirer.

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